FAQ/ How to Panč?

If there are any questions that remain unanswered after reading through these frequently asked questions you can email us at: info[at]festivalstandupkomedije.si or call 040 665 576

When is Panč happening this year?
In 2024 the 17th edition of the Panč festival will happen between the 21st and the 25th of August.

Where is the festival happening?
Since the dawn of man, Panč has regularly been hosted by Ljubljana Castle. Unless, of course, when it rains.

What happens if it rains?
In case of rain, we’ll meet at Festival Hall.

How do I know if it’s going to rain?
Check the weather apps, mail the weather man or call your grandma. If neither of those provides you with a definitive answer, connect with us on Facebook where we will make sure to let you know in time whether we are staying at the castle or moving the show inside 🙂

How can I get to the castle?
There are many paths that lead up castle hill, whichever one you choose to take is fine. You can also drive up (but be aware that the number of parking spaces is limited), take the funicular or do some cardio and warm up your laughing muscles by simply walking 🙂

What day has the best line-up?
All of them! We have tried our hardest to distribute the humour equally among all days. The 2024 lineup is HERE.

Where can I buy the tickets?
You can order them directly through our website TICKETS or buy them at venue.

At what time do the shows begin?
They begin at 9 pm but you are of course welcome to come a few minutes earlier. The show lasts usually until 11pm.

Who is coming this year?
Like always we have chosen an excellent lineup for this year’s edition as well.

What language is the show in?
The shows are done in Slovene, English and Serbo-Croatian. Slovenian comedians host three evenings, one night is hosted by international comedians and is done in English and one is always hosted by comedians from Ex Yugoslavian countries and performed in Serbo-Croatian.

Can I bring a dog to the show?
All dogs are welcome at our festival but they have to be kept on a leash. If you choose to bring a dog please make sure that they are comfortable and not disturbing the show or other visitors. Also make sure that you clean up after your dog.

What about kids?
The language and nature of the shows are aimed at people over the age of 16. Younger visitors can come provided that they are accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian.

For more information
…follow us on our Facebook or Instagram page or send us an email at info[at]festivalstandupkomedije.s